Chicken pox

January 25th, 2010 by admin

Doctor confirmed that Matthew has the chicken pox and was sent home early from nursery. Daddy counted about 10 spots over his body.

Echocardiogram for Heart murmor

January 22nd, 2010 by admin

Today I had an echocardiogram on Matthew’s chest. It’s like an ultrasound, and he did it from a few angles. Col. Moorney did this and had two training doctors looking on. No problems, found an innocent murmor. Need to be tested to see if he’s anemic as his complexion is pale.

Back to normal

July 31st, 2009 by admin

Matthew is back to normal now. He had his final injection today in the leg for the last of the Ceftraixone. Discharged from the hospital fully, he has an appointment to see a Paediatric doctor in September 2009.

Much better today

July 30th, 2009 by admin

Matthew is almost back to normal. He had another antibiotic given to him today, but injected twice in to the top of both legs. I took him to the hospital to have this done.

Discharged from hospital

July 29th, 2009 by admin

Another day of antibiotics. He was responding well to them. He had an appetite back and was drinking well. IV was taken out of his arm, and only given antibiotics by IV. The cannular was removed later in the day and he was sent home.

Tested for Menengitis

July 28th, 2009 by admin

Matthew looked a lot better today. The Doctors came around (Dr. Maltby) and stated the antibiotic he was on was for treating Menengitis. She recommended he should be tested for this now.

Matthew had a lumber puncture done to take fluids from the base of his spine for testing.

The priliminary results came back within two hours and were negative. He stayed in for another night, still on an IV and taking the antibiotics.

Admitted to Hospital

July 27th, 2009 by admin

Called the GP in the morning. They took one look at him and reffered him to A&E at FPH.

At the hospital, they conducted a chest x-ray, urine test and another blood test. All tests came back negative and normal. He was given a drip for fluids and antibiotic by IV – Ceftraixone. I stayed with him that night in the F1 childrens’ ward in the assessment section. It was a restless night. Matthew slept well.

Unwell at home

July 26th, 2009 by admin

Another unsettled day. Temperatures are not as often but still quite high.

Home and unwell

July 25th, 2009 by admin

Matthew was very unsettled all day. He wasn’t drinking much now and food was not that often. We stopped the antibiotic (Trimethoprim) today as he wasn’t very well at all.

Matthew to hospital for tests

July 24th, 2009 by admin

We called the doctors again today. They said to take him to the surgery. When he got there, they said he might have toncilitus and he should go to the hospital for tests. They wrote a letter and called A&E at Frimley Park Hospital.

We went to the hospital and they did a urine test. That came back normal, no trace of infection in the urine. They took some blood and sent them for analysis. Came back with a few infection markers, but nothing to concerning. They advised to stop Tamiflu as he didn’t have Swine flu and to continue the antibiotic for another couple of days. We were sent home.